
Anorak News | Happy Chanukah – this is what winning looks like

Happy Chanukah – this is what winning looks like

by | 20th, December 2011

HAPPY Chanukah. For a picture of how life overcomes history, look no further than the image of Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal and Rabbi Segal Shmoel installing a giant Hanukkah Menorah at the Pariser Platz square in front of the Brandenburg Gate in central Berlin. Eight candles that to the Nazis spell out “F*** You!”

But religion is not about vengeance.

It’s about perseverance.

Over in London, London mayor Boris Johnson as there to see the Menorah lighting in Trafalgar Square.

The West comes in for a lot of stick about morals and wrong. But show us another part of the world where expression is tolerated and enjoyed. Diwali. Eid. Christmas. Channukah. Happy all of it. This is what “winning” looks like…

And, yes, Hanukah is spelled all different ways because it just is.


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Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal, right, and Rabbi Segal Shmoel, left, install a giant Hanukkah Menorah at the launch of the eight-day Jewish Festival of Lights, named Hanukkah, at the Pariser Platz square in front of the Brandenburg Gate in central Berlin, Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2011. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)

Posted: 20th, December 2011 | In: Reviews 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink