Kim Jong il died in bed say South Korea train spotters
DID Kim Jong il really die from “fatigue” while sat on a train? We could ask the North Koreans pushing the train. But they are inconsolable with grief. Instead we look to Won Sei Hoon, director of South Korea’s National Intelligence Service, who says Kim Jong il died in Pyongyang. If Kim Jong il was on a train, it was a non-moving one.
Mr Won told South Korea’s National Assembly Intelligence Committee on Tuesday:
“We confirmed through US satellite surveillance photos that Kim’s personal train was stationary in Pyongyang. We kept tabs on Kim’s whereabouts until Thursday but could not locate him starting Friday. There are signs that he tried to go somewhere [on Saturday] but died.”
Might it be that Kim Jong il liked to play on his train set? Or did he die in his bed? And if he did die in his bed, was anyone with him? Or are the South Koreans the ones caught with their pants down?
The Yonhap news agency thunders:
“It is difficult to understand how the top intelligence agencies were unable to know about the death of the North Korean leader until roughly 52 hours after his death or why the authorities could not link North Korea’s advance notice for a special broadcasting with Kim’s death…
“The military’s intelligence capabilities disappointed the people when North Korea made a torpedo attack on a South Korean warship and bombed Yeonpyeong Island last year. The intelligence authorities should wake up and prepare for possible contingencies during the period when he is said to have died.”
News is that Beijing knew of Kim Jong il’s death on Saturday.
Hey, who knows, China may even have known about it before it happened…
Posted: 21st, December 2011 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink