Global warming creates durable hybrid sharks
ON the look out for things that can be attributed to climate change, the Perth Now spots globally warmed mutation sharks:
Scientists have found the world’s first hybrid sharks in Australian waters …
The predators are a cross between the common blacktip shark and Australian blacktip shark, two related but genetically distinct species.
The scientists say interbreeding between the two shark species is a sign the animals are adapting to climate change.
They also warn that hybridisation could make the sharks stronger.
Global warming creates stronger sharks and better hybrids. The AFP says:
It means the Australian black-tip could be adapting to ensure its survival as sea temperatures change because of global warming.
Or it could men that scientist just haven’t spotted this breed of shark before.? Or it could mean that the University of Queensland researcher Jess Morgan, whose views were cited by Amy Coopes of the AFP, was misquoted. Business Insider, read Coopes’s AFP piece and produced:
According to lead researcher Jess Morgan, the hybridization might be a sign that the animals are adapting to rising temperature levels as a result of climate change.
Or as Morgan says:
Quote not correct – I have now stated numerous times that it is extremely unlikely that climate change caused the hybridization event – however, the hybrid-Australian blacktips are now being seen further south of their known range (Australain blacktips have a tropical distribution) in cooler waters suggesting that the hybrids may have a wider temperature tolerance than their parents (ie the hybrids may be better adapted to handle changing water temperatures).
Such are the facts…
Posted: 3rd, January 2012 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink