
Anorak News | Boy burglar steals tomato plant – thinks it’s marijuana

Boy burglar steals tomato plant – thinks it’s marijuana

by | 18th, February 2012

TO Daytona Beach, Florida, where  a 15-year-old boy has become wedged in Angela Cartwright’s kitchen window. He wiggles free. In his hands he carries one of Cartwright’s plants. He thinks it’s a marijuana plant. It’s not. It’s a tomato plant.
As he leaves he yells:
“See, I have one of your pot plants!” 
Says Cartwright:
 “You stupid little brat, it’s a tomato plant!” 
The lads makes off. But Cartwright spots him much later in the street.  An arrest is made.
Kids, eh. Don’t they know nuffink?

Posted: 18th, February 2012 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink