
Anorak News | Kabang the hero dog saves children’s lives – loses face

Kabang the hero dog saves children’s lives – loses face

by | 24th, February 2012

KABANG (Spotty) is the hero dog of the Philippines , who lost a large part of her face saving cousins Dina Bunggal, 11, and Princess Diansing, 3, from being hit by a motorbike.
Eyewitness Jovito Urpiano says Kabang saved the girls, whose family had found her as a stray puppy and taken her in. The dog’s head landed on the motorcycle’s front wheel.  Her snout got stuck in the spinning front tyre. Says Jovito:
“I thought somebody threw the dog on the motorcycle, but I could not see anyone who might have done that.”
Rudy Bunggal, Dina’s father , adds:
“The bones holding her upper snout were crushed, and we could not do anything to save it. We just pulled her off the wheel.”
Kabang ran off. For two weeks she went missing. Mrs Christina Bunggal adds:
“It does not matter if she’s ugly now. What is important to us is she saved our children and we cannot thank her enough for that. Kabang is a hero.”

Others don’t mind either. Kabang is expecting puppies.

Posted: 24th, February 2012 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink