Simon Cowell squashed story of affair with Danni Minogue then told a journalist
TOM Bower’s biography of Simon Cowell’s sex wish list – Sweet Revenge: the Intimate Life of Simon Cowell – is being serialised in the Sun. The Sun (prop. Rupert Murdoch) has bene the virtual in-house magazine for Cowell’s X Factor for years. In American, The X Factor is broadcast on Fox (prop, R. Murdoch), which also broadcasts American Idol (one of Simon Cowell’s other talent shows). The Guardian reports that the Daily Mail thought it would get the rights to the book because the Sun would dare not repeat the allegations that Cowell had shagged his co-judge Dannii Minogue. Accordingly, the Mail’s bid for the right was lower than the Sun’s.
And then this:
Ironically, former News of the World journalists [prop. R. Murdoch] have revealed that Bower’s revelation of Cowell’s short-lived relationship with Minogue was something they had tried to publish up a couple of years ago. The story was put forward to Colin Myler, the News of the World editor, who was happy to run it, until, the former journalists said, Cowell rang News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks [prop. R. Murdoch]. The story was dropped after that call.
So. The allegation is that Simon Cowell quashed the story about an affair only to later confirm to a journalist – Bower – the story that affair.
Bower had no idea about those accounts from the former News of the World journalists until Sunday. But it is understood that it took some while before Cowell would confirm the truth about the Minogue affair to Bower. The biographer is understood to have asked The X Factor impresario on “four occasions” before he was willing to confirm it.
And the story breaks in the Sun just as Cowell is back on the magic box.
Funny, eh…
Posted: 17th, April 2012 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts 5 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink