Who says Mars Bars can Cure Alzheimer’s?
DID you know that chocolate can stop dementia? The Daily Express leads with Jo Willey’s report. We are told:
A daily does of cocoa could be the secret to halting Alzheimer’s, researchers claim.
That front-page headline looks a little shaky, no?
Scientists have found that the potent ingredient in chocolate can dramatically improve cognitive impairment. Experts say pensioners should have some cocoa every day in a bid to keep dementia and Alzheimer’s at bay.The key lies in health-boosting flavanols which are abundant in the sweet treat.
Earlier, other news organs reported on research paid for by Mars, the vendors of chocolaty snacks. Mars reports:
A study conducted by researchers from the University of L’Aquila in Italy and Mars, Incorporated provides compelling new evidence that the regular consumption of dietary cocoa flavanols may improve cognitive function in elderly subjects with early memory decline.
Oh, and the study never did involve chocolate.
The report was published online Aug. 13 in Hypertension. For the study, funded by the candy maker, Mars Inc., the researchers assigned 90 elderly patients with mild memory impairment to consume a drink containing either 990 milligrams (mg), 520 mg or 45 mg of cocoa flavanols each day for eight weeks.
The Express does not mention Mars. But it does tells readers:
Experts say pensioners should have some cocoa every day in a bid to keep dementia and Alzheimer’s at bay.
Such are the facts…
Posted: 14th, August 2012 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink