
Anorak News | Scare stories: King Tut’s moobs did not give him cancer

Scare stories: King Tut’s moobs did not give him cancer

by | 14th, September 2012

SCARE Stories: Each week the Daily Mail seeks out new ways for you fall ill and die. This week the Mail made us miserable with:


“MINISTER FOR DEATH” – Melanie Phillips profiles Anna Soubry MP

“Are super-size clothes making children fatter?”

“Why do you just HATE some women on sight?”


“Children who are obese at 8 find it harder to lose weight”

“If I had a trout pout like her I’d kill myuself” – Jenny Johnston looks and Jackie Stallone’s face

“Are statins making my hair fall out?”

“By the way….Parents shold be ashamed of chubby children”

“The truth about acupuncture – Last week a study warned it can cause dizziness and even collapsed lungs…”

“Don’t count calories. It’ll just make you fatter”

“How having an op can send you delirious – Terrifying post-surgery hallucinations strike up to half over over-65s”


“Working overtime ‘can raise risk of heart disease by 80%'”


“Taking Prozac? Don’t drive?”

“Louise donated eggs to give a stranger a baby. Now, with bitter irony, she can’t have her own”

“Yes, clothes CAN put years on you”


“Being bossed around at work ‘raises risk of heart attack by 23%'”

“Why pressure makes you forgetful”

“Exercising at home is a £2bn accident waiting to happen” – home keep-fitters damge their homes, says study

“Are King Tut’s moobs a clue to his early death”

Posted: 14th, September 2012 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink