Ikea bans women in Saudia Arabia – men weep with envy
THERE are no women in the pages of the Ikea catalogue distributed in the less sandy parts of Saudi Arabia. The women posing on the furniture and helping the model kids in the bedrooms are all gone. So too is one of the company’s designers. Women. You lucky so-and-sos. One entire gender is now rid of the horrors of Ikea, leaving men to put the children to bed, wipe the toilet seat and shop of modular furniture solutions. “Women banned from Ikea!” Words to make any man gnash and wail. It’s off to the hellhole for dad and this little shopperoonies. Women win. You can keep your vote, your right to drive and your mask-free faces. So long as women are banned from Ikea, it’s a deal…
Posted: 1st, October 2012 | In: The Consumer 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink