Jimmy Savile’s last words for fellow hated DJ Lord Haw Haw
JIMMY Savile or William Joyce, the wartime Lord Haw Haw – which of them United Kingdom’s most despised DJ?
When Lord Haw Haw signed off, his last braadcast went:
“We are nearing the end of phase one in Europe’s history, but the next will be no happier…I can only say that the people of Britain deserve what they get… You may not hear from me again for a few months…I say ‘Es lebe Deutschland! Heil Hitler! And farewell!'”
Jimmy Savile’s last words are not recorded, which is odd for man whose life was dedicated to talking. No word of thanks to the British Jewellery Association, who once made Jimmy Savile their Male Jewellery Wearer of the Year. No word for Mensa, who used to features Savile’s name on their list of famous members.
“As this list suggests, Mensa is a remarkably diverse organization,” states Mensa. But there will nto paedophiles. They’ve just taken Savile’s name of the list.
No final word to Lord Longford, who in his 1981 diary noted putting forward the DJ for a commission on Mental After-Care:
“We had the usual fun selecting the remaining members of the commission… in order to carry weight our committee must include two or three names really well known to the public. My suggestions of Jimmy Savile and Robin Day did not prevail. In the end, we hit on Katharine Whitehorn and Richard Baker, with Margaret Drabble as a possibility.”
You’d expect Savile to have signed off life with the words that ended all his TV shows, “Sir Jimmy Savile OBE.”
And there was no word of thanks to the BBC. But the corporation is picking over Savile’s bones for signs of life. How’s that for gratitude for Savile not naming the enablers. The BBC will set up an independent inquiry into how executives handled an abandoned Newsnight investigation into child abuse by Jimmy Savile. How independent will the enquiry be into why the Beeb spiked the story of Savile’s lust for yuung girls in favour of three tribute shows? The BBC says the “experts” will be external.
The BBC adds that it will reconsider naming part of its new London headquarters after John Peel if it can be proven he made a 15-year-old pregnant. No, not the 15-year-old Peel married. Another one.
And then what about suing the BBC? The Times notes:
Liz Dux, a lawyer at Slater & Gordon who is acting on behalf of several women, said it would be easier to demonstrate that the BBC had “vicarious liability” for Savile’s actions in cases in which the abuse allegedly happened on BBC premises. The women would have to show that Savile had been acting as the employee or “agent” of the organisation. She said that the BBC could also be liable for claims of negligence if it could be proved that rumours about Savile were well known inside the BBC.
The women were seeking compensation because Savile could not be prosecuted and a civil claim could be the only way for the victims “to gain recognition from society about what’s happened to them”, she added.Pannone, a law firm, said it was acting for a man who alleged he had been abused, aged 10, by Savile at Haut de la Garenne children’s home in Jersey. Julie Fernandez, a disabled actress who appeared in BBC sitcom The Office, said she was groped by Savile on Jim’ll Fix It at the age of 14. Fernandez, 38, told Radio 5 Live: “I was in my wheelchair, but I just remember his hands being everywhere and just lingering those two, three, four seconds slightly too long in places they shouldn’t.”
More to follow…
Posted: 13th, October 2012 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink