
Anorak News | Jimmy Savile was a Satanist in an Establishment-run anal paedophile ring

Jimmy Savile was a Satanist in an Establishment-run anal paedophile ring

by | 25th, October 2012

PAEDO Ring. Jimmy Savile. Margaret Thatcher. The links reverberate around the newsrooms:

Daily Star (front page): “SAVILE: Paedo Ring Linked To Number 10”

Beaten by:

Daily Mirror (front page): “Peado Ring INSIDE Number 10”

The story is based on the words of Tom Watson MP who yesterday told the Commons at PMQS:

“The evidence file – used to convict paedophile Peter Righton – if it still exists, contains clear intelligence of a widespread paedophile ring. One of it’s members boasts of his links to a senior aide of a former Prime minister, who says he could smuggle indecent images of children from abroad. The leads were not followed up, but if the files still exist, I want to ensure that the Metropolitan Police secure the evidence, re-examine it, and investigate clear intelligence suggesting a powerful paedophile network linked to Parliament and Number 10″.

Righton was a child care expert who was convicted in 1992 of importing child pornography.

Watson is an egotistical grandstander who fed himself at the taxpayers’ expense, spending a maximum of £4,800 in a single year on food. The Daily Mail produced the wonderful line:

Minister Tom Watson spent so much on a shopping spree at Marks & Spencer funded by the taxpayer that the store gave him a free pizza wheel.

Watson resembles a man who has been poured into his suit and forgotten to say ‘when’.

But aside from a desire to be noticed, why has Watson added his name to the paedophile panic gripping the country since Jimmy Savile was exposed as predatory nonce, albeit a dead one? We can trace it back to 1998, when Nick Davies wrote a long piece about peados for the Guardian:

…For example, police now invest relatively little time in the surveillance of public toilets where gay men go cottaging. The one thing that is likely still to trigger such an operation is a complaint that under-aged boys are involved – unless, that is, the toilets in question happen to be those behind the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand, in which case, under the terms of a long-standing Metropolitan Police policy, the operation will take place only if it has the approval of an officer of the rank of commander or above. According to experienced London officers, the reason is that those toilets are used by High Court judges and barristers, and the Metropolitan Police have always said they do not want to encounter such a powerful offender without special authority.

Fleet Street routinely nurtures a crop of untold stories about powerful abusers who have evaded justice. One such is Peter Morrison, formerly the MP for Chester and the deputy chairman of the Conservative Party. Ten years ago, Chris House, the veteran crime reporter for the Sunday Mirror, twice received tip-offs from police officers who said that Morrison had been caught cottaging in public toilets with underaged boys and had been released with a caution. A less powerful man, the officers complained, would have been charged with gross indecency or an offence against children.

At the time, Chris House confronted Morrison, who used libel laws to block publication of the story. Now, Morrison is dead and cannot sue. Police last week confirmed that he had been picked up twice and never brought to trial. They added that there appeared to be no trace of either incident in any of the official records.

Davies was looking for paedos. As we wrote:

In his Guardian reports, Davies compared what had allegedly happened in care homes with the Holocaust, describing the inquiry into the affair as a “little Nuremberg”, and wrote sentences such as: “for years the muffled sound of scandal has been leaking from the closed world of Britain’s children’s homes” and “now, finally, for the first time, the truth is pouring out”….All of this was documented, exhaustively, by the late Richard Webster, in his brilliant, Orwell Prize-shortlisted book The Secret of Bryn Estyn: The Making of a Modern Witch Hunt. Webster showed how hysteria about children’s care homes led to numerous false accusations of abuse being made and subsequently to shattered lives and broken reputations.

David Cameron responded by to Watson by saying the MP had raised a “a very difficult and complex case…I’m not entirely sure which prime minister he’s referring to… I want to see what the government can do to help give him the assurances that he seeks.”

Watson takes to his blog:

I cannot give much more detail until the police have been given more time to investigate whether evidence still exists from the mid-nineties, but here is what I can say. Last week I was contacted by a former child protection specialist who for some years, had been concerned that a wider investigation regarding the activities of convicted paedophile, Peter Righton was not fully investigated.

He contacted me because he knew I had spoken out in the Murdoch scandal. Over the years, he had lost faith in the ability of politicians to get to the truth.

(See Watson and his pizza wheel.)

…The central allegation was that a large body of material seized in the raid on Righton’s home had not been fully investigated. Though Righton was the subject of a BBC profile in 1994 [I think this is the date] “The Secret Life of a Paedophile”, little had been done to follow up the leads from the case. A specialist unit in Scotland Yard had the material which supplemented a wider investigation into organised paedophile rings in children’s homes.

Over the last few days I have spoken to two other child protection specialists who share the concern of the gentleman who contacted me.

Within the material seized at Righton’s home were letters from known and convicted paedophiles. The contact, who has seen the letters, claimed that one paedophile in particular was of great concern. He said that the paedophile, who worked with children, boasted of a key aide to a former PM who could help get hold of indecent images of children. I am not naming the person for obvious reasons but for clarity it is not former MP, Peter Morrison. This afternoon my office has been bombarded with calls regarding Morrison, I think because he was named by Edwina Currie at the weekend as having inappropriate sexual relations with teenage boys.

I’ll say more when I can but this may not be for some time.

Currie wrote that Morrison was a “‘a noted pederast’, with a liking for young boys”.

Watson likes to be seen and to take credit.

Towards the end of the last century, Sallywag magazine published an article by Simon Regan, a News of The World reporter from 1968 to 1976. (Does anyone have a copy of it?)

There appears to be some of his work on this site:

In the early nineties, in the now defunct Scallywag magazine, which I founded, we interviewed in some depth twelve former inmates at Bryn Estyn who had all been involved in the Wrexham paedophile ring, which the tribunal acknowledges existed. Most of these interviews were extremely harrowing and disturbing, but were gently and sensitively conducted over pub lunches where the victim could relax. We subsequently persuaded ten of them to make sworn affidavits which we proposed to use as back up to half a dozen paedophile stories we later published.

Two of these young men, who had been 14-years-old at the time, swore they had been not only introduced to the paedophile ring operating in the Crest Hotel in Wrexham but had later been escorted on three or four occasions to an address in Pimlico where they were further abused.

The abuse in Wales was investigated by Sir Ronald Waterhouse, a High Court judge. The Telegraph wrote in his obituary:

The north Wales child abuse inquiry, from 1996 until 2000, drew on all Waterhouse’s experience as a family division judge and his earlier background in criminal law. It sat for 203 days, and Waterhouse was obliged to sift through some 10,000 children’s files, and to hear evidence from more than 150 victims of abuse at 40 children’s homes.

Witnesses repeatedly broke down as they told how they had been raped, beaten and bullied by their carers — both male and female. Children, some as young as 10, had been forced to lick the shoes of their attackers or cut grass with nail scissors. Those who complained had had their home leave cancelled, suffered more beatings or had been transferred to even harsher homes.

Waterhouse kept handwritten notes throughout, and at the end of each day produced a meticulously detailed résumé of the evidence, which he eventually incorporated in his outstanding report, Lost in Care, which took him a year to write and ran to more than 1,000 pages. This deeply disturbing document was presented to Parliament in 2000, and revealed 20 years of sustained physical, sexual and psychological abuse of some of society’s most vulnerable children — who had supposedly been under the care of the state.

Simon Regan said:

“If I had the chance, I would be a great repealer: censorship laws, Sunday trading, licensing, blasphemy, the Official Secrets Act – they would all be dumped. Then I’d disestablish the establishment.”

Add to this the fact that for 11 years running Jimmy Savile was a guest at Margaret Thatcher’s Chequers Christmas celebrations and you have a conspiracy in the making. But should we be afraid? Is one demented pervert at the BBC and in the wards of the NHS a sign that there are thousands of them at work in organised “rings”? The peadophile story has been broadcast by the tabloids, but  its roots are in the work of the State and the liberal elite.

Back in 1987, something happened in Cleveland. More than 100 children were forcibly taken into care. The story went that Devil worshipers had been raping children. The New Statesman wrote “Satanic claims vindicated” and a “Vortex of evil”. Only, there no truth to it.

Child sexual abuse was no longer just a crime; it became the evil of our age. Brian Appleyard put it:

…who can doubt that there is, for some, an erotic fascination? Without doubt, once we have reached the point of exhuming perpetrators, there is a ghoulish fascination. There is also a suspiciously easy moral righteousness. Child abuse is almost the only evil on which we can all agree. It is thus all to easy to form a mob… The point about those mothers and those children is that contemporary culture has successfully blurred the line between child- and adulthood. 40-year-olds dress like kids and kids dress like 20-year-olds. It is not, frankly, surprising in such a climate that some inadequates may confuse themselves to the point of vile criminality. Or put it another way: we still pay a Maiden Tribute but in away that can easily be disguised by a moral frenzy.

The history is not just to paedo-hunting tabloids but of left wing expert looking for establishing peado rings. In “Satanic abuse claims ‘doomed  our girl’” Daniel Foggo wrote in the Sunday Times of Carole Myers.

Carole Myers was treated for 20 years by experts — including a former head of ethics for the British Medical Association (BMA) — yet the family say her deluded claims went unchallenged. She even alleged she had been abused at Conservative Central Office by two former cabinet ministers…

A report by a Scotland Yard officer, Detective Sergeant Grant Lander, stated that he found it “quite incredible” that the satanic abuse claims were taken at face value by experts when they were demonstrably untrue.

Her case has alarming parallels with the satanic abuse cases of the late 1980s and early 1990s in Cleveland, Orkney, Rochdale and Nottingham — where parents were separated from their children on the basis of uncorroborated claims from self-professed victims of ritual exploitation…

It claimed Carole had been satanically abused “in every way conceivable or imaginable” by her family, who had supposedly also killed her sister and placed Carole on top of the body; set the family house on fire, and also murdered Carole’s own children by ritual sacrifice. There is no independent evidence that Carole had children…

…In 1999 she told one consultant psychologist that two Conservative former cabinet ministers had satanically abused her at party headquarters.

Dr Ian Robbins wrote: “While it is customary to accept people’s abuse histories, this needs to be tempered with some reality testing. I can believe the Tory party guilty of many things and the two politicians mentioned more than most. I cannot, however, accept that they and the Tory party are part of an elaborate conspiracy to satanically abuse.”

Social workers were trained to look for “satanic indicators”.

In 2006, the BBC produced When Satan Came to Town, Real Story, the story of alleged Satanic abuse in Rochdale. We met the victims. Daniel was removed from his family on a council estate in Rochdale. He was 6. He was taken to a Catholic children’s home. The carers scrubbed him with nailbrushes. They threw away his clothes. He stayed in care for 10 years. Why? There was not a shred of evidence that he was being abused. He was not alone. His three sibling were taken by the State from his parents Andrew and Beverley.

In June 1990, 12 playmates of Daniel and his kin were also forced into care.

So. Why?

Daniel, a disruptive pupil, confided in his school teacher that he was dreaming about ghosts. The teacher contacted social services. They concluded that Daniel had been the victim of Satanic abuse. The only abuse Daniel and his sibling suffered was at the hands of the State. The film Ghostbusters was not long out. Daniel had seen it. His mother said:

“With Daniel it wasn’t so much a fear of ghosts as chit-chat. He would hide behind doors and jump out on you, saying that ghosts were behind him. He loved it when you said ‘Ooh, Daniel, you frightened me’. It was his favourite game.”

Daniel asked a social worker why he was no longer with his family.

“I remember her saying that it was because of me. Nothing else, just that.”

He was blamed.

Elizabeth Newson, a professor of developmental psychology, was called upon to be an expert witness. She says:

“There was an unhealthy excitement about it which we also saw in Cleveland (another notorious child ‘abuse’ case)… They had begun to believe that they were experts…The social workers were adding to the children’s powerlessness.”

The child protection industry was obsessive.

The Cleveland scandal threw up the work of Dr Marietta Higgs. Abused children, she said, could be investigated by anal examination. She woked on the Celvalend case, in whish 121 children were poked and prodded for signs of Satanic abuse. Dr Higgs was looking for Reflex Anal Dilatation – or RAD. She tried out RAD on the two youngest of her own five children. They were the benchmarks. The children from poor backgrounds were the guinea pigs.

Kerry told the BBC of “My first memory”:

I was in school, painting a vase of red flowers. Mum came in with a social worker and a policeman. I was told I had to leave my picture and go with them to hospital. No-one told me why, I wasn’t sick, why did I need to go, why was Mum upset? When we got to the hospital Dr Higgs took me in to a room. Mum had to wait outside. I was told to take my clothes off, she looked at my bottom and my front, I got dressed and went into the playroom while the doctor talked to my mum. Some social workers gave me 2 dolls to play with; the dolls had no clothes on. They asked me if I knew what private places where and could I show them the dolls private places, they asked me if I knew what a secret was and did I have any secrets.

Then there was the Orkney scandal, when nine children were taken into care following allegations of ritual abuse by their parents and a minister. There was no evidence of any abuse.

In her book Speak of the Devil: Tales of satanic abuse in contemporary England, Jean La Fontaine, wrote:

Sympathetic acceptance of a story slides easily into a curiosity to learn more. When the listener is eager to hear more, gratitude for support may impel the young person to . . . find ever more dramatic memories to recount. This approach to abuse gives no indication of how to tell when the account has ended; the victim’s claim to have no more to tell may not be accepted but be interpreted as a refusal to tell something even worse than what has already been recounted.

So. To Savile, the man who had sex with the dead, as they say, on NHS wards. Was he a Devil worshipper? Were his colleagues in the occult? Must all adults be feared? Are paedos in every community and institution, even the NHS and the BBC, organisations that in the summer were being lauded as the apogee of British greatness in the glorious London Olympics?

Lessons of the past needs to be learned. Having endured the panic about Satanic abuse and children’s homes, we need to be skeptical and assured as another moral panic grips the country…

Posted: 25th, October 2012 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts, Reviews 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink