The greatest keep-fit videos and TV shows ever
IN 2013, we will be working out. We will get ripped and hard bodied. But who can help us. We’ve trawled the web and can bring you the greatest TV keep-fit gurus of all time. Dust off those machines and go to it!
Jim Body the gymfantastic pride of Wausau, Wisconsin
You’ve got the Conan Sword, here’s Conan the Bully
Sally Struthers and the Syncopated Strutters
Joan Rovers Raps away the calories
Hershel Walker is tuff!
Who is Y. K. Kim? Well, since you’re asking…
Weights are War
Working out with Stars
Join Ussssss
Carol Alt is here to help
LaToya Jackson says keep going, softly
What you doin’ here Dixie Carter?
Brave New World!
Bubba Smith, stop it, you’re hurting us
Posted: 31st, December 2012 | In: The Consumer 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink