
Anorak News | Most of ‘proper’ Chris Huhne’s monumental lies in one video

Most of ‘proper’ Chris Huhne’s monumental lies in one video

by | 4th, February 2013

CHRIS Huhne is a liar. He lied about a speeding fine in March 2003. He lied and he lied and he lied. So. Now the former energy secretary -a keen fan of wind power – he’s stepping down as the Liberal Democrat MP for Eastleigh:

“I have pleaded guilty today, I am unable to say more while there is an outstanding trial but having taken responsibility for something which happened 10 years ago the only proper course of action is now to resign my seat in Parliament, which I will do very shortly.”

The proper course of action for a liar is…?

Huhne changed his plea to guilty after trying to get the case against him thrown out in a series of pre-trial hearings.

Posted: 4th, February 2013 | In: Politicians 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink