
Anorak News | Mental whale probably tries to kill humans in canoe (video)

Mental whale probably tries to kill humans in canoe (video)

by | 8th, February 2013

THE latest in our series of ‘The Animals Are Trying To Take Over The World By Killing Us All’ (after badgers collapsing roads, ponies riding on trains and zoo animals chewing our drunks) sees a whale giving some hind-leggers the fright of their lives!

While riding in a canoe, a gigantic humpback whale leapt out of the water and almost landed on top of their vessel!

The nice humans were minding their own business, floating along during a holiday in Hawaii before the torpedo of sea muscle decided to try and wipe them out.

Laurent Lebihan of Arizona caught the frankly terrifying moment on camera before uploading it onto YouTube where it racked up huge amounts of views from people who are now clear that the animals are coming after us.

“We were out whale watching and totally caught off guard,” he explained. “Good thing it was an adolescent whale and nothing bad happened.”

Bring back harpooning.

Posted: 8th, February 2013 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink