The other side of West Ham and England’s Bobby Moore ‘King of the Bar Stool’
AS the West Ham faithful congregate at the Bolyn Ground to remember Bobby Moore, here are some memories of the maestro, not all of which are likely to be mentioned in the match programme…
Moore’s drinking exploits were legendary, and a couple of crates of lager were always on hand when Bobby held court. He was once even sensationally dropped from the West Ham team for breaking curfew the evening before an FA Cup tie in Blackpool. Best friend Jimmy Greaves called Mooro the ‘King of the Bar Stool’. Usually, however, Tina and Mrs Peters were not involved…
Moore’s interest in pubs extended to owning a few, including the legendary Blind Beggar, where the Krays committed one of their most notorious killings, and where Harry Redknapp recalls being told by a gangster that, “You can tell your mate Bobby Moore that I’ll cut him from ear to ear.”
Here he appears with footballing chums at the opening of Mooro’s, an altogether more convivial establishment..
Snappy dresser
Bobby was always immaculately dressed, according to Jack Charlton, who says that his kit was spotless after the World Cup Final. Mooro was a style icon off the pitch too, as he shows here, with Graham Moore of Chelsea and Charlton’s Eddie Firmani…
And here, with his clothing range…
And here with Kate Howard, who is modeling Norlyn Niknax tights that are “visually protective and take away the need for pants”.
Bobby’s one big failing was his business acumen, which led to a series of disastrous investments. Should have stuck with the sports shop. Oh, wait a minute, looks like there’s a sale on…
Model of discretion
Moore was famous for his sociability but also for his stoicism and reliability. Here was a man, after all, who had a testicle removed because of cancer and came back to win the World Cup, without the public ever becoming aware of it.
And we all know the story of the stolen bracelet, for which Moore was arrested in Bogata, and it is generally assumed that this was a set-up. But football writer Jeff Powell says that Moore told him, under promise of secrecy, that he saw the incident and named the person responsible. Rodney Marsh confirms the story and says that, for taking the flak and not grassing, Moore rose even higher in his estimation.
Television personality
Moore was a regular of TV, and was the first footballer to appear on This is Your Life. On the other side of the pond he was less well known, however, and was able to appear unrecognized on What’s My Line?
Moore is forever associated with West Ham and England, but the story isn’t quite so simple. Here young Hammers fans celebrate the news that their leader has renewed his contract, yet he actually tried to leave several times, and suffered financially from the club’s intransigence. In the summer of 1966 Moore was out of contract and thus technically unable to play for England. Alf Ramsay forced club and player to sit down and sign, and his captain was able to take up his responsibilities once again.
All of which is somewhat ironic, because Geoff Hurst recalls how George Cohen overheard Alf discussing with the coaches whether to play Leeds United’s Norman Hunter instead of Moore in the final. As it was, Hunter (along with the great Jimmy Greaves) would have to wait until 2009 to get his medal.
Man of the world
It is often forgotten that Moore’s last match on Wembley’s hallowed turf was against West Ham, when he played for Fulham in the 1975 FA Cup Final.
And even less well known is the fact that his final international performance was against England. In 1976 he represented the USA in the Bicentennial Cup. Here he is with team-mate Pele and England captain Gerry Francis.
And here again, taking a throw-in…
Hang on, did we say last international performance? Well, last but one…
In his lifetime he was neglected, but time has raised him to ‘iconic’ status. With the classic pictures…
The stamps…
The statues…
And of course, the, er, iConic gold-plated iPod…
Bobby Moore RIP
Posted: 25th, February 2013 | In: Key Posts, Sports 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink