
Anorak News | Churchtanks: Churches turned into weapons of mass destruction (photos)

Churchtanks: Churches turned into weapons of mass destruction (photos)

by | 4th, May 2013

ONWARD Christian soldiers…  Artist Kris Kuksi’s Churchtanks sculptures change churches into tanks. It’s a process that requires countless hours to assemble, collect, manipulate, cut, and re-shape thousands of individual parts, finally uniting them into an orchestral-like seamless cohesion that defines the historical rise and fall of civilization and envisions the possible future(s) of humanity.” 

Fire (and brimstone) at will.

church tanks 1

church tanks 2

church tanks 3 church tanks 4 church tanks 5 church tanks

Spotter: Kris Kuksi,booooooom

Posted: 4th, May 2013 | In: The Consumer 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink