Naked man arrested proposing to ‘girlfriend’ who had no idea who he was
TO Florida, where Thomas Edwards Jr. is telling Casselberry police why he was “completely naked” his clothes on a worried resident’s porch.
It is 3:45am.
Edwards tells police he is naked to beter propose to his girlfriend.
Edwards then spits at the officer.
The officer Tasers Edwards in the left hip and thigh. Edwards falls onto the concrete driveway.
Edwards is arrested for indecent exposure in public, battery on an officer and burglary, although no report states what he took.
He did not propose to his lover. But, then, everyone in the house claimed they has no idea who Edwards was. As least that’s what they’re telling dad…
Posted: 7th, June 2013 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink