Kyron Horman: new search finds nothing but more libel against Terri Horman
KYRON Horman: Anorak’s look at the missing child in the news:
Justin Runquist writes in The Oregonian:
Desiree Young, whose son, Kyron Horman, has been missing since June 4, 2010, says volunteers conducting a weekend-long search may have found new evidence connected to the boy’s disappearance.
Evidence of what?
“We found a lot of things, and possibly evidence,” Young said at a press conference following the search Sunday afternoon.
Don’t you tell the police when you find “evidence”? Or are the police relying on Young and her co-volunteers to do their work, including the dirty stuff?
Young joined a crew of about 60 searchers and 10 dog teams from around the country that combed the area near Northwest Germantown Road and Northwest Skyline Boulevard Saturday and Sunday looking for any signs of her son, who was last seen at the school the morning his stepmother, Terri Horman, dropped him off.
Ten volunteer dog teams?
Young declined to go into specifics about the possible evidence and where it was found. But she said the search was a success and crews ruled out areas where Horman’s body could be, and efforts to find her son will continue.
Ruled out areas where a body could be… So. The child is presumed dead? And as for not going into specifics, Runquist is doing much the same.
Fox News adds:
She said the items were turned over to the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office. A spokesman for MCSO said they received the items and were processing them to determine whether it’s related to the Kyron’s case or not. MCSO was aware of the search but was not involved.
So. This was not a police. And the boy was not found. Fox Adds:
No suspect has ever been named in the case, but the investigation centered on stepmother Terri Horman.
“I am not going to lie down and take this,” said Young. “I refuse to let Terri win. It’s not going to happen that way.”
Young said she plans to organize more searches for her son in the future.
Let Terri win? Might it be that this is stunt to apply pressure on Terri Horman, a woman who surely must be presumed innocent?
KOIN news adds:
The mother of a missing northwest Portland boy spoke to the press Sunday as search efforts renewed for evidence into his disappearance: “If he was here, he would say thank you very much.”
But he’s not there.
Volunteers with the group Kyron Horman’s World Soldiers set up a staging area in northwest Portland off Skyline Boulevard. They recruited two non-profit search agencies, and said they had an overwhelming response from volunteers.
Who are they, then?
This page is a place that people can come and honor KYRON, share pictures, prayers, poems, positive vibes, music, LOVE, HOPE, FAITH, and well wishes to Kyron & his family…
To bring Kyron Horman home ♥
We want this page to be a place that people can come and honor KYRON, share pictures, prayers, poems, positive vibes, music, LOVE, HOPE, FAITH, and well wishes to Kyron & his family.
Please note that we will not post pictures of other children or, other people…..only Kyron, Desiree, Tony, and Kaine. Why? Because these are the family members involved or family friends and we pray for them daily…
No mention of Terri Horman, mother to Kyron’s half-sister?
Terri has given different versions of her time frame for the morning and is unaccountable for a few hours of the morning. Where she has claimed she was, her cell phone “pinged” a different location. It shows her to be at Suvie Island, a few miles from the elementary school with thick terrain, trees, rocks, etc. She denies being there.
It became obvious, early on that Terri’s version of her story wasn’t adding up. No physical evidence that we know of, but certainly a lot of “red flags.” She was very hesitant to take a polygraph test, although the other family memeber [sic]were more than eager to take one to clear them. Terri failed two polygraph tests and walked out on the third one.
LE also found out thru a gardener that had worked for Terri, that approx. six months prior to Kyron going missing, she had tried to hire him to murder her husband, Kaine Horman, Kyron’s father.
That should be alleged plot.
…She moved to Roseburg, OR to live with her parents. Many in this small town don’t even know who Kyron Horman is, much less anything about Terri Horman. Recently Kyron’s bio mother took her campaign to Roseburg. She took volunteers with her and hung posters, handed out flyers, and even went to Terri’s house where she is staying and knocked on the door. She would like to talk with Terri burt nobody answered the door.
Isn’t that harassment?
We are simply picking up Desiree’s campaign and supporting her. In her media conference, she stated that she knew much more than she could reveal after briefings with LE and she was confident that Terri held the key to where Kyron is. This is the mother who sat by three weeks ago while LE and volunteers with cadaver dogs, searched the Isalands for Kyron’s body. They were working off of tips and it was a huge search. They came up with nothing.
Six FBI agents were added to this case two weeks ago. Everything points directly back at Terri Horman. We are joining forces with Desiree Young in her plea and request from her media conference…..and with this mother’s request she asked….if you see Terri Horman out and about in Roseburg, please ask her this questions. TERRI HORMAN, WHERE IS KYRON?
This is our prayer that thru our page, we can raise awareness to everyone, in asking……TERRI, WHERE IS KYRON HORMAN?
And how does that help find Kyron Horman?
Posted: 2nd, September 2013 | In: Reviews 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink