
Anorak News | Charles Dozsa’s arrest: I was eating a meal… a succulent chinese meal…

Charles Dozsa’s arrest: I was eating a meal… a succulent chinese meal…

by | 6th, September 2013

CHARLES Dozsa was eating a meal in 1988… a succulent Chinese meal… when the police arrested him.

Phrases to watch out for from the magnificent Hungarian:

“Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest.”

“Have a look at the headlock here – get your hand of my pen1s!’

“On what charge, eating a meal, a succulent Chinese meal.”

“Ah Sir, I see you know your Judo.”

“And you sir, are you waiting to receive my limp pen1s?”


Paul Charles Dozsa,

charles dozsa

Tim Blair notes:

 The elegantly-spoken chap shown being arrested in an old news clip is revealed to be Paul Charles Dozsa, a troubled former chess champion with a fondness for free food. These items date from 1988, although Dozsa was active until 2000

Mr Dozsa is said to have died in 2003.

Posted: 6th, September 2013 | In: Key Posts, Reviews 5 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink