
Anorak News | Princess Diana was murdered by a former SAS prisoner who hated his wife, says Daily Express

Princess Diana was murdered by a former SAS prisoner who hated his wife, says Daily Express

by | 7th, September 2013

PRINCESS Diana is back in the news. The Daily Express leads with a shocker:



This follows the news that an SAS member claimed he knew Diana had been slotted. The Express overlooks the facts that thw source known as “N’ made his claims in a letter from his ex-wife’s parents in which they alleged he threatened to kill them and their daughter.

The parents-in-law also wrote about the circumstances surrounding Princess Diana’s death, saying: “He also told her [the daughter] that it was the XXX who arranged Princess Diana’s death and that has been covered up. So what chance do my daughter and I stand against his threats?”

This source was one of the prosecutions’s key witnesses in the case against Danny Nightingale, the SAS fighter who’d been caught in possession of souvenirs of his overseas work. Like Nightingale, N had been jailed for keeping weapona at his home, namely a Glock pistol, a grenade and ammunition.

So much for the source of the story. But rather than focus on the strife in the SAS, the Express punches on with the same old story that Di was offed:

Soldiers serving with the elite regiment at the time are certain their deaths in a Paris car crash were not accidental.

Do they have proof?

However, they are sceptical of claims that fellow members of the regiment were involved.

The Express, however, wasn’t as circumspect:









Today the Express continues:

A source said: “There has always been a view among certain members of the regiment that Diana’s death was not an accident. It is not a view shared by every­one but there is a core of soldiers who believe she was killed. When you are planning a military operation you have to train and practise every step of the mission and even then things can go wrong. Look at all the factors involved in Diana’s death. For that to be passed off as an accident just doesn’t ring true.”

And that’s it. No word on how any dastardly plot could have been scuppered had Diana just worn a seatbelt.

Last week two detectives ­questioned the estranged wife of ­Soldier N, the former SAS ­sergeant at the centre of the allegations. She is understood to have given police a “detailed and compelling” account of the claims allegedly made by her husband.

Crucially, she is believed to have assured officers that the ex-SAS sniper described the alleged plot to her several times before the break-up of their marriage.

Soldier N was discharged from the Army.

To which the Express adds:

The claims attributed to him are regarded by senior officers as the most damaging in the SAS’s illustrious 70-year history. ­

No. Not the claim that they routinely bring home weapons and threaten their loved ones. No. The claim that he thinks Diana was murdered.



Posted: 7th, September 2013 | In: Reviews, Royal Family 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink