
Anorak News | Awkward Portraits of Jesus

Awkward Portraits of Jesus

by | 26th, October 2013

HOW do you portray Jesus? One artist knows. He’s produced some incredibly awkward pictures of Jesus. All works are available to buy.

Jesus is an expert on root canal work and veneers.

jesus 8

Also, breast augmentation and laser eye surgery.

jesus 7


The doctor kept wondering why he kept losing his place in the book.

jesus 6


Jesus does his famous impersonation of Michael Jackson

jesus 5



jesus 4


D is for Dinosaur…

jesus 3



A throughly modern family

jesus 2


That doll is terrified

jesus 1


Jesus gets his 12% commission.




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Posted: 26th, October 2013 | In: In Pictures, The Consumer 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink