
Anorak News | Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed, Samantha Lewthwaite And The Inviolable Burqa

Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed, Samantha Lewthwaite And The Inviolable Burqa

by | 5th, November 2013

Undated handout photo issued by the Metropolitan Police of terror suspect Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed, who is being hunted by counter-terrorism officers, after he escaped surveillance by leaving the An-Noor Masjid and Community Centre (Mosque) in Church Road, Acton dressed in a burka.

HOW did Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed escape? The man, so bad they named him twice, evaded the might of the British security services by wearing a burka. One other man, Ibrahim Magag, escaped by hailing a black cab.

Mr Mohamed went into the Annoor mosque in Acton, London, wearing Western-style clothes (a fleece and trousers) at about 10am. The 27-year-old , with alleged links with the Somali terrorist group al-Shabaab then walked out wearing a burka.

The burka is inviolable.


Labour MP Chris Bryant asked Theresa May, the Home Secretary how this had occurred. May had stated that Mo-Mo posed “no direct threat to the public in the UK”. “What really worries me about your attitude is that you seem to think these two men came up with some phenomenally cunning plan,” said Bryant. “One of them jumped in a black cab and the other slipped on a burka! Surely you understand others will be laughing in your face?”

At least if they’re wearing burkas, you won’t be able to tell.


Today we learn that Mo-Mo went on the lam hours after he was cleared of tampering with the security tag that controlled his movements.

But no need to worry. May says: “The police have urged anyone who sees Mohamed or knows of his whereabouts not to approach him but to call 999 or to contact the anti-terrorist hotline.”

So. Mo-Mo poses no threat to the Great British public. Or as the Sun puts it:

white widow 1

A TERROR suspect who fled in a burka while under surveillance has links to White Widow Samantha Lewthwaite’s Kenya massacre gang.

So. She did lead the gang. Fact.

He fought in Somalia for al-Shabaab, who killed 67 people in the Nairobi mall attack. The organisation includes British White Widow terror fugitive Samantha Lewthwaite.

So. He must have known her? No, says the Mirror, he must have worshipped her:

white widow

The Mirror has an “exclusive “:

Tom Pettifore reports:

Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed: Burka fugitive is fanatical follower of White Widow

Terror suspect Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed is believed to be trying to flee the country and join up with his fanatical leader – White Widow Samantha Lewthwaite.

She’s the leader of the terror group? The Islamist nutjobs have a white, foreign female as their leader? You sure about that? Has al-Shabaab accepted woman as man’s equal, betters, even?

Counter-terrorism chiefs fear the 27-year-old fugitive, who has been on the run for four days, is heading for East Africa to become part of her jihadist cell.

Is he making the journey by cab? What else do we know?

Last night a shopkeeper revealed Mohamed bought FIVE sim cards in recent days – meaning he could communicate with supporters without being monitored as he plotted his escape.


Sunny Kapoor, who owns a shop in Acton, said: “I recognised him when I saw his face on the news. “He brought them on three visits in the past two weeks.”

Well, he wasn’t wearing a burqa. He was easy to recognise.

Posted: 5th, November 2013 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink