Nelson Mandela’s Fake Sign Language Interpreter Speaks Out
THOSE of you following the sign language interpreter at Nelson Mandela’s televised memorial service should know that the alien bongi is not yet ready to cook the green bus. The interpreter was, by many accounts, a fake, signing gibberish as US President Barack Obama and other spoke at the FNB Stadium.
“The structure of his hand, facial expressions and the body movements did not follow what the speaker was saying,” deaf South African Braam Jordaan told the SBS news website. “I was really upset and humiliated.”
Mr Jordaan, who is on the board of the World Deaf Federation, added: “What happened at the memorial service is (a) truly disgraceful thing to see.”
During the show Deaf Federation of South Africa’s Bruno Peter Druchen tweeted: “Please get RID of this CLOWN interpreter, please! This person is not using sign language at all, I am (a) deaf person myself…I use sign language every day.”
South African Sign Language interpreter and trainer Francois Deysel says the faker was just “moving his arms to try to look busy”.
Posted: 11th, December 2013 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink