
Anorak News | Ched Evans: A Tale Of Love, PR And A Victim Who Wants To Forget

Ched Evans: A Tale Of Love, PR And A Victim Who Wants To Forget

by | 15th, October 2014



CHED Evans, a convicted rapist and Sheffield United footballer, is dating Natasha Massey. She was dating Evans before he was jailed for five years in 2012 for raping a 19-year-old in a hotel room. She was dating him at the time of the rape.

Massey thought it a good idea to appear on ITV’s This Morning and talk things over with the great unwashed.

Evans is likely to be released this month. Shrill voices say he should never play professional football lest impressionable and doltish fans see him at work and think rape is ok.

Massey appears to be on a PR offensive. She says:

“As soon as I found out that he’d been questioned over rape, my instinct was kind of protective of Ched, and I thought I have to stand by him. So my thoughts and feelings over the cheating were put to one side and I just stepped in to help him through this terrible time.”

Compassionate is thy name. She will rehabiliate her man. The rapist can repent.

 “I had been with him for two-and-a-half years. I know Ched and I knew he wouldn’t be capable of committing a crime like that.”

Oh. She thinks he’s innocent.

But will she be a WAG? Will Ched kick a ball for cash again?

“We don’t know about Ched’s football – I’m just his partner, I don’t get involved in the football side – but I do know that Ched would love to return to football and continue doing what he knows best and what he loves.”

He should be able to. If someone will employ him, then fine.

But what is bizarre is to turn a convicted rapist into a talking point on mid-morning TV.

The Mail has other news:

Football rapist’s victim in hiding: Two-year internet hate campaign after attacker’s supporters break law to reveal her name on Twitter

The woman who was raped by footballer Ched Evans is in hiding two years on – thanks to an internet campaign branding her a ‘money-grabbing’ liar. The victim was forced to adopt a new identity and leave her home town after Evans’ supporters broke the law by posting her name on Twitter in 2012.

You get raped. You get to see your story debated as mid-morning telly entertainment.


Posted: 15th, October 2014 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink