The West groomed Jihadi John because Muslims have no self control
WE know that The man known as Jihadi John is one Mohammed Emwazi. Lest you be unable to muster your own thoughts on the man who accused of murdering seven foreign hostages, other have spoken.
Asim Qureshi, a director with British advocacy group CAGE,. says said Mohammed Emwazi “became disenfranchised and turned to violence” as a result of a “culture of abuse” by Britain’s security services.”
As Brendan O’Neill replies:
“The idea that harassment or hardship or anger about Western intervention can turn Muslims into beheaders is just racist. Do these people have no self-control? Do they lack autonomy and agency? Are they animals that can be trained / warped by their masters? That’s the implication.”
Speaking of the man, believed to have beheaded at least seven western hostages for the Islamic State, Mr Qureshi said Emwazi “would have never have hurt a single person”.
Mr Qureshi adds:
“You might be surprised to know that the Mohammed that I knew was extremely kind, extremely gentle, extremely soft spoken, was the most humble young person that I knew.”
Bit patronising. And, no, we’re not. Osama bin Laden was an Arsenal fan who holidayed in Sweden with his family. Adolf Hitler always did the dishes with a smile. There is not a single account of the cheeky young Josef Mengele ripping dolls’ heads off.
Quereshi continues:
“We now have evidence that there are several young Britons whose lives were not only ruined by security agencies, but who became disenfranchised and turned to violence because of British counter-terrorism policies coupled with long standing grievances over Western foreign policy. This case should trigger thinking about British domestic and foreign policy. What risk assessments, if any, have been made about British counter-terrorism policy and the key part it plays in radicalising individuals? How have the security services been allowed to get away with abusing British citizens without redress? Why are the long-standing grievances over Western interventions in the Muslim world been ignored?”
Mohammed Emwazi was groomed by the West?
Kay Burley:
“Oh, get over yourself”…
Bethany Haines, daughter of the murdered British aid worker David Haines:
“I think all the families will feel closure and relief once there’s a bullet between his eyes.”
“It saddens me, his [Emwazi’s] continued hatred. He felt wronged, now we hate him — now that just prolongs the hatred. We need to end it. As a mum I forgive him. You know, the whole thing is tragic — an ongoing tragedy.”
It is…
Posted: 27th, February 2015 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink