
Anorak News | Madeleine McCann: tabloid sensation, Police PR and nothing

Madeleine McCann: tabloid sensation, Police PR and nothing

by | 19th, April 2016

madeleine mccann tabloidsMadeleine McCann: a look at reporting on the missing child.

Daily Mirror (front page): “Maddie Police: We Hope to Find Her Alive”

Well, yes. Of course they do. They’re not ghouls.

Mick Duthie, the police chief leading the “hunt” for the missing child, says, “We hope that we will fine her alive.”

Page 5: “There is always a possibility that we’ll find her…work still needs to be done.”

Got that about the possibility of news? It’s PR-speak for, “We haven’t found her.” With, as the Mirror states, £12m spent on the search so far, police are keen to show they’ve made progress. If Duthie does know what happened to the child, he’s not letting on. He says, “We want to find her alive” but “If she’s been murdered…” She might be alive. She might be dead. Maybes.

Daily Star (front page): “Maddie Search Sensation”

Oh, go on. We’ll play along. What is the sensational news?

It is news that cops “hope to find her alive”. Read. All. About. It.

Page 7: “Top Maddie Cop: New Maddie Clues”

Joe Kasper writes: “Detective Chief Superintendent Mick Duthie says detectives are still pursuing “justifiable and reasonable” leads. No. What he said was that if the police needed more money to find Madeleine McCann, they would ask for it: “There is a missing girl and is she has been murdered and if we think we have got reasonable and justifiable lines of inquiry to pursue then they should be dealt with.”

The Sun (Page 6): “Cops ‘ no closer’ to locating Maddie.”

So much for the Star’s new leads sensation.

Duthie says cops “do not have a ‘full understanding’ what happened to her or why she was taken”.

Mentions of murder: nil.

Daily Express (front page): “Police: Maddy could Still Be Alive”

No body. No proof of anything.

Page 7: “Madeleine police follow up new leads”

Number of new leads mentioned by police: nil.

As another anniversary of Madeleine McCann’s vanishing looms into view, and the news cycle picks up the PR, we learn that nothing has change. Child disappears. And that’s the sum of all the facts.

Posted: 19th, April 2016 | In: Madeleine McCann, Reviews, Tabloids 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink