
Anorak News | Manchester City star Raheem Sterling realises he’s black amid tabloid onslaught

Manchester City star Raheem Sterling realises he’s black amid tabloid onslaught

by | 9th, December 2018

England and Manchester City forward Raheem Sterling says media bias does “fuel racism”. Sterling was allegedly racially abused by Chelsea fans at the weekend. We’ve long pointed out how ‘Obscene Raheem” (source: The Sun) is treated differently in the media to other players – also here, here and here. And it appears Sterling has noticed. “I just want to say, I am not normally the person to talk a lot but when I think I need my point heard I will speak up,” he posted on his Instagram page. “Regarding what was said at the Chelsea game, as you can see by my reaction I just had to laugh because I don’t expect no better.”


obscene raheem the sun

The Sun saw the house Raheem bought his mum


Sterling invited us to compare and contrast two Mail articles. One shows Tosin Adarabioyo under the headline: ‘Young Manchester City footballer, 20, on £25,000 a week splashes out on mansion on market for £2.25m despite having never started a Premier League match’; the other shows another City teenage midfielder, Phil Foden, and the headline  “Foden buys new £2m home for his mum.” Tosin is black. Phil is white. Tosin is a lucky swine. Phil is a loving son. 



raheem sterling black racism


Says Raheem:

“You have two young players starting out their careers – both play for the same team, both have done the right thing, which is buy a new house for their mothers who have put in a lot of time and love into helping them get where they are,” wrote Sterling. “But look at how the newspapers get their message across for the young black player and then for the young white player. I think this is unacceptable, both innocent, have not done a thing wrong but just by the way it has been worded.

“The young black kid is looked at in a bad light. Which helps fuel racism an[d] aggressive behaviour. So for all the newspapers that don’t understand why people are racist in this day and age all I have to say is have a second thought about fair publicity an[d] give all players an equal chance.”

Is Raheem Sterling black? Let’s see some other Raheem news: 


raheem sterling drugs

The Sun’s story on drugs had nothing to do with Raheem Sterling


raheem sterling tattoo gun

Sterling gets a tribute to his late father – it’s an anti-gun tattoo. The Sun went to town on him. 


raheem sterling m16 tattoo

The Sun told us about Raheem and his part in the Vietnam War


daniloa taylor raheem sterling

Damiloa Taylor was stabbed to death when he was 10. Sterling must apologise, says the Sun.


raheem sterling the sun

And the Sun’s Star letter is… GET STERLING!


England players would never glorify guns. Sterling shames the shirt.


raheem sterling mirror dog

The Mirror writes the most trite sentence ever:  “Sterling follows a number of Premiership stars to buy dogs’



Here’s more on Foden and the new home he bought this mum and dad. The Mail said:

The 18-year-old’s parents, Phil and Claire, are thought to have been involved in choosing the house and he is determined to keep the close-knit family together despite his emergence as one of England’s outstanding talents.

We never were told if Raheem’s mum, who raised him in less than salubrious surrounds, helped chose the bricks and furnishings for her “obscene” home (price: £3.5m), nor how the new home kept the pair together. But for Phil it’s all terrific:

The move is likely to change little for the player who has always lived at home, doesn’t drink and doesn’t yet drive. He takes cash, rather than cards, on nights out and is thought to have taken out a substantial mortgage on the new house.


phil foden money

Foden’s cake was not the least bit flash, tacky and obscene.


That really takes the cake. 

As for Sterling’s point about the media fuelling racism, is he right?


anti-Semitic new statesman kosher conspiracy

The Labour Party supporting New Statesman had a question that might have been rhetorical.



Posted: 9th, December 2018 | In: Back pages, Key Posts, Manchester City, Sports, Tabloids 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink