
Anorak News | Readers’ Pets

Readers’ Pets

by | 19th, July 2002

‘IT is just as well for the charms of Miss Nordegren because being a Mail reader is a depressing business. This morning, that misguided bunch learn that a ‘summer of air chaos’ is in the offing. ‘Union militants are back and the next target is your holiday,’ it warns.

‘I look nothing like my cat’

Not anyone else’s holiday, you understand, but YOURS. Just as the Government pays for its expensive follies by raiding YOUR piggy bank, gambles with YOUR kids’ futures, sells YOUR kids drugs etc.

But Mail readers are not without blame themselves as this morning’s front page points out. ‘Are we killing our pets with kindness?’ asks the paper next to a picture of a fat Dalmatian. The answer is, of course, yes. The PDSA says more than 50% of pets are now overweight as they pay their price for their owners’ lazy lifestyles.

The Mail is so concerned about this that it has put Science Reporter Tim Utton on the case, who appeals to readers to send in pictures of their colossal cats or paunchy pooches to a special ‘Fat Pets’ address.

You know what they say about owners coming to look like their pets. Let’s see what Mail readers really look like in the next few days…

Posted: 19th, July 2002 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink