Geena Gees Up The Boys
‘THE handbags at dawn feud between Joe and Dev finally spilled over into violence this week, with Dev suffering terrible injuries – his hair got messed up. Joe is out of prison on probation and Dev knows that any trouble and he’ll going straight back inside so he decides to goad Joe into hitting him.
Dev oiled his way into The Rovers and sidled up to Joe, whispering in his ear just how good Geena’s pump hand really is. Not surprisingly, Joe lost it and the pair had a bit of a roll around outside the pub, causing Vera to drop her chips (surely an arrestable offence in the North?).
Geena was so horrified at her boyfriend’s street fighting skills, she promptly dumped Joe, which has made Dev a very happy shopkeeper. But in the world of soap, the path of true love is more tangled than Christine Hamilton’s hair after two weeks on Celebrity Survivor.
Dev may want Geena back, but Sunita has just realised that she’s in love with Dev herself. ”You’re my number one girl,” he purred to her while she was bent over the freezer, unpacking the Findus Cripsy Pancakes, but as usual, he meant that she is the first person he turns to when he wants someone to cover him from irate girlfriends and business associates.
Sunita shouldn’t give up hope though. Given Dev’s track record with his female employees, it’s surely only matter of time before he gets round to her.
The Hooded Claw of Coronation Street (Richard) continues to delight with his split personality performance. This week he’s gone from doing the washing-up and helping David with his homework to breaking into Audrey’s house in a bid to convince her she’s going mental.
Richard’s creditors are closing in and the only way he can see to raise the three hundred odd grand he needs by Christmas is to get power of attorney over Audrey. He’s been going into her house while she’s out and switching on the radio to make her think she’s forgotten to turn it off. If this is the best he can come up with to convince her she’s going mad, then he’s got a long way to go.
Les and Toyah had a big falling out when Les discovered that she’d used his old chair as her art project. ”It symbolises the descent of working class man,” she told the press, ”from proud worker to lazy slob.” Les took umbrage at being described in such terms and I’m not surprised – he has never done an honest day’s work in his life.
Posted: 20th, September 2002 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink