
Anorak News | For Death And Vainglory

For Death And Vainglory

by | 23rd, May 2003

‘AT the time of writing next to nothing is know about the twelve wannabes and never-will-bes that will be screaming at other in the Big Brother household over the coming weeks.

Back by popular demand- the Channel 4 interactive test card

What little we do know can be best gleaned from past shows. So look out for a gay white man who’s not as good looking as he should be; a vain black man; an utter cow with a strong regional accent and assorted show-offs and big-shots.

Just as easy to spot will be the ubiquitous Davina McCall, who gets to appear before any of the contestants on Big Brother: Live Launch Show (C4 8:30).

For an hour, Davina will shriek her head off as the dirty dozen are introduced to the world one by one. The crowd will then go potty and, who knows, perhaps even hold up a banner.

The intro will at least provide us with some easy meat for snide comments and cruel intentions, and give V Graham Norton (C 4 10:05) some new material.

After Graham’s taken the rise, it’s back to the Big Brother house for some live updates, as the new goldfish get used to their surroundings.

And then it’s so much drinking, smoking and moaning. And what goes for the watching millions goes for the contestants, too.

Posted: 23rd, May 2003 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink