
Anorak News | Going To Potter

Going To Potter

by | 24th, June 2003

‘MAGIC is at work. The Times has news of strange words and paragraphs appearing in the latest Harry Potter adventure.

Harry’s raunchy sex scenes were deleted from some versions of the book

Chile Brayfield, a 22-year-old children’s book reader from Kent, says that her copy has 48 pages missing.

”It had just got very exciting,” says Chile. ”Harry had just found out something horrible.”

And what it was she, or is Chile a he, will never know – not until she buys or begs another copy.

And by spooky coincidence, Amy Crowther, 28, (we trust that’s her age in months and not years) also had 48 pages missing from her edition, but from a different part of the book.

And so the tales of disappearing words go on. Over to Katie Collins, of the publishers Bloomsbury, for some words of her own.

She says that someone in Chester reported a chapter in the wrong place. Another Potter fan located a chapter upside down. And in Australia, 10,000 copies had two entire chapters mysteriously vanish.

Luckily, the Bishop of Bristol, the Right Rev Michael Hill, is not mincing his words. He says that Harry Potter is turning children into ”commercial slaves”.

”The Church needs to ask some questions of the society we find ourselves in,” he says.

And so it should. Questions like: ”How much is my upside copy worth?”; ”Is Potter an Anglican?”; and ”Has JK Rowling ever thought about writing a version of the Bible?”

Posted: 24th, June 2003 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink