
Anorak News | No Rest For The Wicked!

No Rest For The Wicked!

by | 6th, August 2003

‘WHEN Kate Lawyer won Big Brother III it was Wicked!

Whatever Kate does next you just know it’ll be Wicked! and Crap!

It was Wicked! when she went to the toilet, Wicked! when she went on television to present Channel 4’s morning show and Wicked! when she was asked by OK! to talk about Big Brother IV.

Now in her OK! piece she gives the ‘Big Brother low-down’.

‘Well, Big Brother has finished and to be honest I’m glad it’s over,’ says Kate. ‘Cameron winning the show sums up the series, he’s the most boring winner yet.’

This is, of course, Kate playing Devil’s Advocate. She knows the Scotsman isn’t the most boring winner of all time and sets out to prove it over the length of her latest outpouring.

Deviating from Cameron, Kate says that when she won she never thought about the money – just ‘my family and how I’d have a great story to tell my grandchildren’.

Although, if OK! can tell it for her every week, so much the better.

Posted: 6th, August 2003 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink