
Anorak News | Hide And Cheek

Hide And Cheek

by | 12th, September 2003

‘A BIG blast on the trumpet for Cameron Diaz who has taken a stranded African elephant under her wing.

‘At least I don’t have spots’

Cameron was shocked that the elephant was crammed inside a small cage at Miami Metro-Zoo and is helping a charity in its efforts to raise the necessary £300,000 to transport Flora to somewhere better.

The star is said to be besotted by the beast, splashing out a vital part of the £20million she earned on the recent Charlie’s Angels movie on a frame in which to keep a picture of precious Flora.

And you can do your bit to help by spending £20 on a T-shirt across which is written the legend “Free Flora” and a further $80 on a pair of elephant-shaped earrings.

And if things go really well, Cameron is keen that any left over cash should go towards Flora’s nose realignment and dental treatment and fruit skin peel…’

Posted: 12th, September 2003 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink