Flat Refusal
‘GROUCHO Marx once said that he wouldnt want to belong to a club that would have him as a member.
‘Give me your tired your poor – but no kids or pets’ |
Singer Carly Simon, however, still wants to buy a New York flat, despite being told she is not welcome by her potential neighbours.
The Telegraph says the singer is now suing the co-op board of the Dakota Apartments after her application to buy the £600,000 one-bedroom flat was turned down.
Residents claimed that the 58-year-old singer was rude and disrespectful in her interview, while she claims the meeting was more like an inquisition.
The board was rude and accusatory and appeared to have made up its mind before, her lawyer, Steven Hochberg, said.
Appearing before the co-op board is the most intimidating ritual required of buyers on the New York property market, explains the Telegraph, and Mariah Carey, Madonna and Calvin Klein have in the past failed to satisfy their exacting demands.
Apparently, Carly Simon fell out with the board partly over her desire to install a second bathroom in the flat and partly because the board was suspicious that she was actually buying the flat for her children.
In a city where the ban on pets in some buildings extends to goldfish, children are about as popular with stuck-up New Yorkers as a stray eel in Lloyd Scotts diving suit or Elton John on a Sandals holiday.’
Posted: 29th, September 2003 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink