
Anorak News | Labour Of Love

Labour Of Love

by | 30th, September 2003

‘WE are told that neither Tony Blair nor Gordon Brown watched Channel 4’s The Deal on Sunday night, but neither is unaware that their relationship is under closer scrutiny than ever this week.

Brown celebrates 50 Labour mentions

And the Chancellor did nothing in his speech yesterday to the Labour party conference to dampen thoughts that a desire to be Prime Minister still burns brightly inside him.

The Telegraph is in no doubts, its headline suggesting, “Bold Brown Stakes Claim To be Leader”.

“Gordon Brown,” it says, “set himself up as Labour’s leader-in-waiting yesterday with an impassioned appeal to the party to rediscover its soul and traditional values.”

The Guardian agrees, calling the speech “a barnstorming defence of the Government’s reform policies in unmistakable old Labour language”.

It says “he paid enough loyal tributes to the Prime Minister to scotch, or at least camouflage, suggestions that his repeated appeals to Labour values were a concealed leadership bid”.

But with Tony Blair’s speech today apparently not going to give any ground to his critics, the Chancellor’s position within the party is only likely to get stronger.

Whereas journalists used to play a game of guessing how many times Brown would use the word “prudence” in his Budget speech, yesterday the word to count was “Labour”.

According to the Times, he used it 64 times. Tony Blair will have to go some to beat that – unless he starts relating stories of Cherie’s various pregnancies.’

Posted: 30th, September 2003 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink