Bedford Fans
‘WHAT substance were the makers of those 118 118 ads consuming when they thought up the idea of featuring two 1970s-style cross-country runners in a directory enquiries commercial?
It’s 118 of one, 118 of the other |
Whatever it was, we hope the Government is drawing up legislation to ban it.
Viewers under the age of 40 probably regard it as just another irritating advertising campaign. But older viewers will have been wondering why they had chosen to use the former 10,000-metre world record holder David Bedford as their model.
Bedford’s long hair and Zapata moustache made him an iconic figure in the unglamorous world of early seventies cross-country running.
All the same, it was a long time ago and he is hardly a household name in the modern world of waxed, moisturised, manicured ‘male’ celebrities.
So why did they choose him? Well, the answer to that question, according to the Guardian, is that they didn’t.
The Number (the firm behind 118 118) say that it is ‘ridiculous’ to suggest that Bedford is their man.
They are adamant about this, and with good reason, because the real David Bedford is demanding £200,000 compensation for the use of his image.
The Number admit that they looked at pictures of the 1970s athlete Steve Prefontaine, who was a friend of Bedford’s. He also happens to be dead, and thus unable to sue.
Anorak awaits the outcome with interest, and we are considering action over that driving instructor ad, which features a pair of trousers clearly modelled on our hard-wearing but stylish ComfiSlax TM range.’
Posted: 6th, October 2003 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink