
Anorak News | Age Before Beauty

Age Before Beauty

by | 30th, October 2003

‘OH, it is just no good! We’ve flicked though Hello! a few times and keep retuning to something which worries us.

‘Hey! You’re old enough to be my daughter’

Well, make that two things, since it can’t be right that Diandra Douglas is walking around Paris with a dog in a bag.

[“Diandra strikes a fun pose with her pet peeking out of her Lowe bag,” says the caption to this most strange of shots.]

But it’s the line the women herself utters, not the one delivered by Hello!’s treacle-meisters, that nags hardest.

Take it away, Diandra: “Certain young women fall in love with the idea of having a fat bank account and a credit card and not the person. That’s why they don’t care about the man’s age at all.”

Cynics might mistake this for bitterness. After all, it was not too long ago that Diandra’s octogenarian former husband Michael Douglas left her for that slip of girl from Wales.

But they would be wrong. Terribly, terribly wrong…’

Posted: 30th, October 2003 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink