Keeping Up With The d’Ornanos
‘HMMM, wonder what The Count and Countess D’Ornano are getting up to right now in their elegant Paris duplex on the Quai d’Orsay?
‘I told you we should have brought a couple of chairs’ |
If Hello!’s snapshot of the lives of the founders of the Sisley cosmetics firm (no, neither have we) are a guide, the Count is stood behind his seated wife.
It appears as an odd pose to us humble types. But if you were rich, famous and shared the tastes of the couple who created the ‘botanical skincare and cosmetics business’, you might do the same.
You too might buy the kind of carpets that look busier than a French tart on the Rue St Denis at chucking-out time.
As a rich person, you might even festoon your pad with enormous mirrors, massive crystal chandeliers and a life-size deer peering over a chair whose form take that of two bronze dogs scampering around a bronze tree.
You might even buy chairs. Lots of chairs. The D’Ornanos never tire of chairs. To our untrained and impoverished eye there are at least a dozen sofas, chairs and poofs for sitting on.
You might do all these things. And you might do them with no hint of a smile, as with the Count, or with the disdainful expression as etched on the bronze pig’s head that sits on the couple’s coffee table – the one next to the sofa with the tiger print cushions.
If you were rich, you might do these things and, perhaps, even more. So think before you gag on how ghastly it all is…’
Posted: 12th, November 2003 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink