
Anorak News | Tripping The Light Fantastic

Tripping The Light Fantastic

by | 14th, November 2003

‘GIVEN that most of the country’s top minds are engaged in working out how many pints they can have before they start seeing Kylie’s arse in duplicate, it is little wonder that Britain is no longer at the forefront of innovation and invention.

‘Ahhh! My eyes!!!’

But you would think that even we could get a lightbulb – or a few hundred – to work.

Not a bit of it. When pop star Daniel Bedingfield pulled the lever to turn on the Christmas lights in Regent Street, he was greeted by darkness.

“And,” says the Mirror, “it was a full 20 minutes before electricians managed to find the problem and the display finally flickered into life.”

No doubt the electricians did a lot of sucking air between their teeth before charging for the full hour’s work plus call-out fee – but no-one is any the wiser what went wrong.

“We’d tried the lights several times before and they worked perfectly,” an organiser said. “An investigation is under way.”

Luckily, Daniel Bedingfield and Blue Peter prize-winner, nine-year-old Leo Thompson, saw the funny side.

But Daniel, who had earlier treated the crowd to a rendition of his hit Gotta Get Thru This, will not be so chuffed to learn from the Mirror that previous celebrities who have managed to turn on the lights successfully include Will Young, All Saints and Kylie Minogue.

And she’s got a nicer arse than you.’

Posted: 14th, November 2003 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink