
Anorak News | Kippers’ Ties

Kippers’ Ties

by | 17th, November 2003

‘IF only George and Barbara Bush had not let young George Dubya and brother Jeb move out of home, how different the world might be.

If George and Barbara Bush had only let the boys have a TV in their room

For a start, Al Gore – or President Gore as he would have been known were it not for the 2000 Bush coup – would never have grown a beard.

For another, pretzels would not now be classified as dangerous weapons and come with a health warning advising consumers to “chew before attempting to swallow”.

And for another, we would not have had to spend the weekend stocking up on rotten eggs and soggy tomatoes to hurl at the President when he arrives in London this week.

Had George and Jeb stayed at home, they would have been no different from the million or so children in the UK still living with their parents at an age when they are old enough to know better.

“The combination of high property prices and laziness has left many parents with the surprise – one that is not always welcome – of fining their thirtysomething children are not in a rush to leave,” says the Telegraph.

Of course, these stay-at-home children have an acronym – kippers (kids in parents’ pockets eroding retirement savings), according to the Prudential.

Prior to this, the paper says, they have been known as the “boomerang generation” because they kept on leaving and coming back and then “homebounders” because they wanted to move out but were unable to do anything about it.

Most of the adult children who live at home don’t pay rent and those who do pay well below the market rate, while many had received a lump sum from their parents presumably as an incentive to leave.

It’s just that in George Dubya’s case, this lump sum included an oil company, a baseball team and an office in the White House.’

Posted: 17th, November 2003 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink