Lips Stick
”’ELLE boude comme une truite.” ”Ha una faccia come un pesce.” ”Mein Gott! Ihre Lippen schauen, wie sie durch einen vollständigen Swarm der Bienen gestochen worden waren.”
”I’ve got to go to a court herring” |
Eager as ever to help, we at Anorak have quickly compiled our very own Leslie Ash phrase book to help the actress interpret the comments of the locals now she has decided to quit England to escape her ”trout pout hell”.
Unfortunately, in the accompanying interview, she fails to reveal which country she is planning to remove herself to, thus making our job that much harder.
However, we like to think that we can help Leslie prepare for any eventuality wherever she goes.
For instance, if it is to France, then when she overhears a local inhabitant commenting, ”Elle boude comme une truite”, she should know that all they are saying is ”She pouts like a trout”.
If to Italy, she should rest assured that ”Ha una faccia come un pesce” is just that common Tuscan term of endearment, ”She has a fish-face”.
And if it is to Germany she goes, she will at least know what the vernacular is for ”My God! It looks like her lips have been stung by a whole swarm of bees”.
We hope all this will stand her in good stead when she gets out of ”this Godforsaken place”.
”I love England, but London’s becoming not a very nice place to live,” she says. ”I don’t like the attitude. English people have never been very good at patting people on the back.
”It became a competition of who could say the funniest thing about Leslie Ash.”
And it’s a competition whose closing date has just been extended (indefinitely) – so send entries to the usual address.
Winners will receive a tub of collagen, a bicycle pump and a picture of a haddock.’
Posted: 25th, November 2003 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink