
Anorak News | Penk Rocked

Penk Rocked

by | 2nd, December 2003

‘NOW we know that the Queen is an avid fan of Kirsty’s Home Videos, we imagine that she and the corgis will be up late this evening to catch Steve Penk and his TV’s Naughtiest Blunders.

”Surely you could have found a picture of Steve Penk”

If she is, she will be just about the only person in Britain with a constitution strong enough to stomach the sight of Penk’s overly made-up face on the screen.

In fact, one of Her Majesty’s subject might like to break off from their doctorate on why toast always falls buttered side down when dropped to look into why TV employs only the most nauseating hosts for blooper shows.

From the smug Dennis Norden to the oleaginous Terry Wogan, from the grating tones of Lisa Riley to the monotone of Kirsty Gallagher, it’s a painful experience watching these packages of “hilarious” outtakes.

But all of the above pale into insignificance beside Penk – the kind of TV host that looks like he has been put together by a particularly incompetent committee. He combines the perfect face for radio, the perfect voice for silent movies and the perfect personality for obscurity.’

Posted: 2nd, December 2003 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink