
Anorak News | Bill Of Frights

Bill Of Frights

by | 12th, December 2003

‘“WE the people,” begins the US constitution.

One too many Cooks

That simple opening line is one the leaders of the European Union’s 15 present and 10 future members should consider as they wade through the 300-page long draft EU constitution.

The preamble of which, as reproduced in the Independent does not bode well: “Our constitution…is called a democracy because power is in the hands not of a minority but of the greatest number.”

As any scholar knows that’s a quotation from Thucydides, author of The History Of The Peloponnesian War and other stories of European hatred and loathing.

We the people – who did not get a referendum – also learn in the Independent what each country is after in an expanded European melting pot.

Luxembourg, for example, “does not like majority voting on taxation because of the country’s banking industry”. Sweden is ”anxious to preserve traditional neutrality if the EU defence pact is in the constitution”. Greece is a strong supporter of the “mutual defence clause being enshrined in [the] constitution”.

France and Germany have had enough of starting pan-continental wars and invading each other and want increased rapprochement – hence the EU.

Britain wants… well, for that we must listen to no greater an exponent of knowing for knowing’s sake than Robin Cook, who delivers his verdict on all things European in the Indy.

And while we’re on the theme of opening lines, good and bad, position this one somewhere between the two aforesaid lines: “Here is the story about the week’s European summit that other papers dare not print.”

And why do they dare not print it, Robin? We humbly suggest that there are three main reasons. 1) Because it is written by Robin Cook. 2) Because no-one understands what the EU is about now, let alone what it is going to become. 3) Reading Cook’s views on anything are likely to bring about a state of catatonia in the reader.

However, we’ve just heard that Spain would like to amend point 2, Italy would like to include point 1 and exercise its veto on point 3 and Poland is just happy to be here…’

Posted: 12th, December 2003 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink