
Anorak News | Fish Fingered

Fish Fingered

by | 9th, January 2004

‘SALMON can give you cancer.

Smoking can seriously damage your health and the health of your fish

Sorry to be so stark about things but the truth must be told. The Mail is so keen to get the message across to its well-heeled readers that it splashes a warning on its front page.

The headline advice, as given by a team of scientists, is unequivocal: “Only Eat Salmon Three Times A Year.”

And that is salmon in any form, although passively eating a smoked salmon will surely give you cancer at a faster rate than, say, eating a salmon rissole or, perhaps, a poached salmon.

Of course, such news is neither here nor there to the less hoity-toity readers of the Star, although they too are in for a shock to the system.

In a story ably illustrated by glamour mod-el Nicola McLean, who can be seen eating a chip from a furled-up copy of the paper, readers learn that fish and chips is rooted in French cuisine.

Professor Panikos Panayi, of Leicester’s De Montfort University, has reached the conclusion that the fish supper is a combination of foreign dishes.

“The origins of the dish are complex, but it probably came about as a result of combining French frites with Jewish fish dishes,” he says.

“It certainly isn’t the traditional British food people might think it is.”

It seems that fish ‘n’ chips is not as mundane is it pretends to be.

However, the now not-so-humble battered cod will have to go some to match the exotic nature of salmon, what with its secret ingredients of toxaphene and lashings of dioxins.’

Posted: 9th, January 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink