Better To Be Thought A Fool…
‘IF you can tell a lot about a man by his enemies, you can tell a lot more about him by his friends.
A victim of PC and UV |
And judging by the pictures in this morning’s Express of two supporters of Robert Kilroy-Silk, Middle England is revolting in both senses of the word.
Nevertheless, the Express is trying desperately to turn Kilroy into a martyr, a victim of political correctness and what he calls a ”cosmopolitan media elite”.
[Cosmopolitan is clearly, in Kilroy Silk’s mind, a derogatory term.]
But the BBC talk show host seems to have got himself in a complete mess over this, unsure whether to defend his comments about Arabs or not.
On one hand, he has apologised for the obvious inaccuracies in his offending article; on the other, he complains that he is being prevented from expressing ”genuinely, honestly held opinions”.
Kilroy receives support from the Express’s rival, the Mail – albeit the defence from the pen of Stephen Glover is somewhat muted.
”If the rest of us are to be free to say and write what we want,” he says, ”so must Mr Kilroy-Silk be allowed to speak his mind, however full of nonsense it may be.”
And, let’s face it, no-one knows more about talking nonsense than Glover and his fellow cronies on the Daily Mail.’
Posted: 13th, January 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink