
Anorak News | Time And Tide

Time And Tide

by | 16th, January 2004

‘WHILE we are on appearances, we’d like to say that age has caught up with Debbie Harry. In fact, it’s run her over and reversed over the corpse for good measure.

The first Mrs James Farrell?

We know, we know – if only she’d have read the advert for Vikki La Motta’s face cream.

But Debbie didn’t, and is now 58 years old – five years younger than Vikki!

But even if she did wind back the clock 15 years, she’d still be too old to wear the outfit she got up in to perform at a concert in Florida.

The Xena Warrior Princess meets Dolly the Sheep look does not get the Enquirer’s seal of approval, and neither does it get ours.

But it just might get that of James Farrell, who needs to know that not everyone in showbizland is beautiful.

And if can find others like him and Debbie and cultivate them as his pals, we’re sure he’ll have as normal a life as any other “refreshingly normal person” living high in the Hollywood hills with his ten dogs and a gun called Wilbur…’

Posted: 16th, January 2004 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink