
Anorak News | With Friends Like These

With Friends Like These

by | 23rd, January 2004

‘HANDS up, all of you who want to know how the final episode of Friends pans out.

The one when we all sat on a bench on the beach

Come on! There must be some of you who want to know why the six main characters all die in a hail off bullets when Phil Mitchell is found alive and well living in Joey’s fridge.

Oh, well, owing to the lack of interest we will not tell you. Instead, you can amuse yourselves for a few moments while we read the article – in silence! – and discover what is what and who does whom.

Yeah, try on the Farrell mask if that’s what you’re all about. And send off to the hoity-toity Colin Farrell ‘official’ fan club for the ‘official’ Farrell mask.

Go on! See if we care. While we let you in on the biggest secret in TV, you can do what you like.

Just like Rachel and Ross do as they like, when they get in a romantic clinch. Just like Chandler is doing his own thing, looking for the mother of the baby he and Monica are to adopt.

Just like Rachel, who tells Ross that she’s leaving for Paris to become a fashion consultant. Just like Phoebe, who dashes out and buys Monica and Chandler a baby duck and a baby chick.

Just like Rachel, who decides not to go to Paris and instead returns to her apartment for a reunion with Ross.

Just like Monica and Chandler, who adopt twins. Just like Phoebe, who discovers that she and Mike are madly in love.

And just like Joey, who thinks he can act, is an interesting character and will be a smash hit in his new spin-off show.

Do what you like. And don’t blame us when your show’s not spoilt because someone told you the plot…’

Posted: 23rd, January 2004 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink