
Anorak News | No Flies On Fash

No Flies On Fash

by | 27th, January 2004

‘TONIGHT John Lydon of the I’m A Celebrity pack performs the series’ first publicly-voted Bushtucker Trial. Sadly, John Fashanu is illegible for it.

You said it

This is chiefly because the kung fu-ing footballer is now a bona fide celeb and, as such, has little or no need to put rats in his underwear. He has been there and done that – and so too have the rats.

Fash has moved onto bigger and better things, and can be seen on the satellite TV channel Bravo cajoling a football team named in his honour.

Fash FC not only boasts a celebrity manager and a TV following in the tens, but its pennant bears the forms of a lap-dancer, a few bottles of champagne and a Porsche sports car.

It also has its own website, on which tens of fans can bone up on the team’s bio (Martin Saffu has size 11 feet; Jamie Spanyol is a courier; and Ricky Dhillon has a fear of the Teletubbies).

It’s pretty clear that life has moved on since those days when Fash was so keen to be liked that he stuck his head in a vat of eels.

He might not have progressed up the celebrity lists – hovering somewhere between D and C – but he is on the telly.

And as Kerry McFadden and Darren Day would surely agree, that is more important than anything…’

Posted: 27th, January 2004 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink