Distaff Party
‘ANORAK has mysteriously been left off the guest list for what the Times describes as the first ever women-only event at Buckingham Palace.
‘Long may I reign over you’ |
We are sure that Prince Andrew is chuckling to himself over his bowl of Frosties this morning and remembering some of the many women-only events he has held in his quarters at the palace.
But this is the first official event of its type and it is a lunch for 200 working women and mothers who, like the Queen, have triumphed over adversity.
Among those breaking bread with Elizabeth Windsor (in our absence) will be Cherie Blair, who has retained her legal career despite four children and marriage to the Prime Minister.
Also there will be JK Rowling, who created Harry Potter while she was a struggling single mother, Hannah Dadds, who in 1978 became the first women driver on the London Underground and Heather Mills McCartney, who lost a leg in a road accident.
But the guest of honour will undoubtedly be Her Majesty, whose achievements include being born before her sister Margaret, giving the world her four children and, er, reigning a lot.’
Posted: 4th, February 2004 | In: Broadsheets 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink