
Anorak News | We Love Lucy

We Love Lucy

by | 18th, February 2004

‘CONSIDERING the degree of sensitivity needed to be good actor, it’s surprising to learn that Gary Lucy is planning to polish his star in Hollywood.


It appears that the star of Footballers’ Wives (he plays club captain Kyle Pascoe) is the last one realise that it’s the very woodeness of his acting that must have landed him the part.

They say that one of the hardest things an actor has to do is to walk normally. Lucy moves as if a large golf club has been passed though the arms of his silk shirt while another has been placed squarely up his backside.

He is bad actor playing a bad actor playing a good footballer going bad.

And in among all this goodness and badness is a large dollop of ugly, notably from the show’s new signings, Amber and Conrad Gates.

Who this blond footballer, the captain of England, and his parasitical vain wife are based on escapes us utterly. If you know, please write in and let us on in the secret.

And then tell Lucy, who appears to be the last one to know everything.’

Posted: 18th, February 2004 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink